I was going to reconcile my "mega list" of new year's resolutions from last year, but even I got bored half way through it. (46 pass/54 fail) Looking back on my aspirations for last year did stir up a couple of thoughts...firstly that I miss writing on the blog, and secondly that my life has actually changed quite a bit in the last year. Some milestone was passed, and although I can't really articulate exactly what boundary it marked, I feel like I've ended up on the other side of something.
So last year, well, for one thing, I had a baby.
And for another my first babies turned into people.
I also worked at a real, not self-employed, job and gave up my studio. This could seem like a failure of sorts, but curiously I am very content. I have carved out a space for creativity in my very busy life, and it is a small space, but it is there.
I make no commitments to visit this blog more often...I've found that the only way to keep your head above the water in this river of motherhood is to go with the flow. Don't fight, just try to steer a little.
Ragnar...mother of many.