Last night we had to say good-bye to our cat. The grief hasn't hit me until just this second...something about looking for a picture of her for this post just made it all real.
We joked a lot about her, since she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, and she had some irritating personal bringing half dead animals into the house to play catch and release with, but she was just about the sweetest natured kitty you could possibly know. When we first brought her home, she was out from behind the bathtub and sitting on our laps within half an hour, and everyone who came over remarked on how friendly she was.
Good-bye Splashy, it was nice to have you in the family. I hope you're in a good place where the cat nip is always fresh and plentiful, there are lots of half knit sweaters to lie on, and the food bowl is always full.
I'm really sorry to hear about the kitty. I don't know what I'd do without my Boo Kitty.
Hugs to you and yours!
Oh, Ragnar, I'm so sorry.
I'm So Sorry about the loss of your kitty. :^(
:( Bye Splash It was nice to know you and happy catnip dreams in the next world.
Condolences Ragnar. Sorry to hear that she was a good kitty.
My condolences. She sounds like a fantastic friend. Just remember, when the mood strikes, pour a half-dead chipmunk out for a homie.
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